With 20 years of excellence in producing memorable and rewarding incentive programmes and events, BEM Ireland’s award winning team not only do everything a destination management company should do, from conception to completion, but we do it with innovation, fun and most importantly passion. We love every minute of every experience we create.
We have partnered with some of the most successful international brands to deliver world class incentive programmes and events – right here in Ireland. We take on challenges and like to push boundaries.
Be it online registration management, brand and print management, the luggage pull of over 800 pieces of luggage, intricate movement of a 500 piece marching band around Ireland with their instruments, VIP golfing tour of 80 delegates, working with professors to piece together specialised educational field labs, delivering award-winning entertainment. We set standards in experiential travel and event management. But most importantly we’ve made thousands of people smile along the way. We are part of their most memorable stories and cherished moments and that is what we are proud of. At the heart of what we do is the commitment to making every experience unique.
I want to once again thank you for the outstanding job you and your people did with our group! I continued to hear wonderful comments on the trip home and even into yesterday in my office. You are to be commended for putting together such an outstanding operational team that is so effective in executing your exceptional planning down to the finest details. It was truly one of the best trips we have ever had! Please extend my thanks to all your group, especially Amanda and Rory and, when convenient, please send me their email addresses so I can thank them personally. Tim Upton.