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Financial Supports

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Christchurch Cathedral interior at night, prepared for an event with long dining tables, illuminated by blue and green lights.

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 

Destination Supports for International Business Events

Meet in Ireland is here to help you deliver exceptional events every time you bring delegates to Ireland. We offer a range of tailored Destination Supports for International Association Conferences, Corporate Meetings, Incentive Programmes and Sporting Events. The type of support available and the application criteria varies depending on the type of event*.

Access our financial supports guidelines below.

Bid Support Funding

We provide support to help with the bidding process to enable you to create fantastic bid documents and presentations. In addition, support for the cost of travel, accommodation, and meals to present the bid at the preceding conference may also be offered. Bid Support Funding is available for Conferences and for International Cultural and Sporting Events.

Site Inspection Funding

Site inspections are the key to a successful bid. In partnership with Ireland’s Regional Convention Bureaux, we can support costs associated with both virtual and in-person site inspections, including travel and accommodation for up to three key decision-makers visiting Ireland for a future event. This funding is available for all event types; Conferences, Meetings, Incentive Programmes and International Cultural and Sporting Events.

Programme Enhancement Funding

If you’re looking to maximise the number of international delegates attending your event, Programme Enhancement Funding is available to help cover activities like welcome receptions, gala dinners, social programmes and also print costs, website costs or other activities related to organising the programme. This funding is available for all event types; Conferences, Meetings, Incentive Programmes and International Cultural and Sporting Events.

As mentioned above, the type of support available and the application criteria varies depending on the type of event.

Association Conferences

If you're thinking about hosting an Association Conference in Ireland, get in touch with us early in the bidding process. We provide Site Inspection Funding to help with site inspections. We also offer Bid Support Funding to support the bidding process and Programme Enhancement Funding to help boost delegate numbers.

To qualify for Association Conference destination supports;

• There must be at least 100 international delegates attending the conference
• There must be a minimum 2-night stay for all international delegates
• Applications must be submitted 6 months prior to the conference start date
• The conference can be either at bid pending stage or confirmed stage at the time of application 

Corporate Meetings and Incentive Programmes

When it comes to Corporate Meetings and Incentive Programmes, we offer Site Inspection Funding and Programme Enhancement Funding. 

To qualify for Meeting and Incentive Programme destination supports;

• There must be at least 50 international delegates or the economic value of the ground arrangements must be in excess of €75,000

• There must be a minimum 2-night stay for all international delegates
• Applications must be submitted 2 months prior to the corporate meeting or incentive trip taking place
• The corporate meeting or incentive trip must be at bid pending stage when applying for funding

International Culture and Sporting Event Scheme

If you're planning an International Cultural or Sporting Event, we can offer Site Inspection Funding, Bid Support Funding and Programme Enhancement Funding.

To qualify for Cultural and Sporting Event Destination Supports;

• There must be at least 100 international participants
• There must be a minimum 2-night stay for all international participants
• Applications must be submitted 6 months prior to when the international event is due to take place

Please note, in some cases, additional support is offered in favour of events that take place outside of Dublin or that are held during the months of October to March. Events where participative numbers are in excess of 1,000, and where participants stay in Ireland for more than two nights may also be considered.

Our destination supports can help you deliver the best possible event – for more detail, and to understand the full criteria, please get in touch. The earlier you contact us, the more assistance we can offer you. Contact us today!

* Destination Support Funding is subject to budget availability and must comply with internal and external audit requirements. Each application is assessed on its own individual merit and is approved by Fáilte Ireland’s Meet in Ireland assessment team. Please note that funding is not secured by the applicant until a letter of offer is received and accepted.

Events in Northern Ireland

If you're planning an event in Northern Ireland, learn more about the available support.

Meet the Team

We are here to make the process of hosting a meeting, conference or incentive trip to Ireland as easy and enjoyable as possible.


Your Shortlist

Here is your Meet in Ireland shortlist of amazing venues, luxury accommodation and world class services.
