As a Conference Ambassador, Caroline Nolan has worked closely with the business events team at Meet in Ireland to bring a significant conference to our shores. In her role as a sustainability consultant with Authenticity, she also maintains a close collaboration with the Renewable Gas Forum Ireland (RGFI), an industry forum representing the renewable gas industry.
Recognising a unique opportunity, Caroline and her industry partners initiated the idea of a conference that would enable RGFI to liaise with colleagues in Europe and bring their expertise to Ireland to assist in developing the renewable gas industry here. To help achieve this, Caroline enlisted the support of our Conference Ambassador Programme; a programme that was established in 2009 to support individuals who wish to host a conference in Ireland.
In this video, Caroline walks us through her multifaceted role as both a consultant and a Conference Ambassador, highlighting the unique benefits of working with Fáilte Ireland when organising a large event.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube
A key aspect of being a Conference Ambassador, as Caroline so perfectly encapsulates, is in the networking and relationships that are built while hosting a conference. The role provides a platform for engaging with industry leaders, innovative thinkers and influential decision-makers. These interactions not only shape the success of the event but also contribute to Ireland's reputation as a hub for progressive conferences and meaningful conversations.
In Caroline’s case, being a Conference Ambassador offered her the opportunity to contribute positively to the growth of the renewable gas industry in Ireland, while fostering the exchange of ideas and experiences on a global platform. It's a rewarding role that offers unique opportunities for personal and professional growth.
A crucial part of organising a conference is finding a location. Securing the perfect venue can make a significant difference in the scale and impact of the conference, and as a Conference Ambassador, Caroline sought assistance from Fáilte Ireland to find an event space in Dublin for the RGFI’s conference.
Of course, being a Conference Ambassador is not just about the logistics of how to organise a conference – it's about promoting Ireland as a remarkable conference destination. With our state-of-the-art facilities and dedication to reducing the MICE industry’s footprint, Ireland is a spectacular host for sustainable and responsible events.

Caroline’s efforts not only aided in showcasing Ireland's capacity to host large-scale conferences but also highlighted our ongoing commitment to renewable energy sources. By organising this conference, she is helping to put Ireland at the forefront of the renewable gas industry.
Thanks to Conference Ambassadors like Caroline, Ireland’s reputation as a green, innovative and welcoming destination for conferences continues to grow. If you’re in the process of organising a conference, check out our top 10 reasons for joining Fáilte Ireland’s Conference Ambassador Programme. You can also contact a member of our team for assistance.